UAB Nursing would like to congratulate the latest nurse residents on completing their program. The nurse residency is a comprehensive, 12-month program for newly licensed nurses that helps them transition into more competent clinical practice.

Program participants develop professionally, gain practice knowledge, and are empowered to improve through implementing a quality-improvement or evidence-based practice group project. The nurse residents present their projects to their peers and unit leaders during a special session known as Seminar 12.
After the presentations, the cohort votes for the People’s Choice Award. For Cohort 27, two groups tied for this honor:
- “Utilization of Provider in Triage” – Anna Harris, Darby Lyndall, and Jordan McCaleb
- “Mental Health Screening for Transplant and VAD Patients” – Logan Smith, Anna Sanusi, and Jennifer Thomas
Congratulations to these outstanding Cohort 27 graduates, who are listed alphabetically below with their units/areas:
Cardiovascular Services
- Aaron Atwood, CCU
- Matthew Blankensopp, CICU
- Ellie Busch, HTICU
- Jackson Duke, CCU
- Christopher “Brandon” Jones, CICU
- Derek Kitchens, CCU
- Jay Luther, CICU
- Sarah Morris, HTICU
- Reagan Redwine, HTICU
- Jonathan Robinson, S5S
- Anna Sanusi, HTICU
- Olivia Tapscott, CICU
- Jennifer Thomas, HTICU
Emergency Services
- Ashlee Bolton, UED
- Brandy Gambill, UED
- Anna Harris, UED
- Ashlyn Lovelady, UED
- Abigail Mather, UED
- Patricia “Brooke” Melvin, UED
- Abrianna Porco, UED
- Brandi Tucker, UED
Medical Services
- Adriana Emili, S6S
- Harper Goebel , BMT
- Madison Green, MICU
- Michael “Cade” Mitchell, MICU
- Destinee Scott, MCCU
Neurology Services
- Crestin Abawi, NSSU
- Josephine “Josie” Bresler, NICU
- Katherine “Kate” Bumbicka, NICU
- Megan Callahan, NICU
- Keely Catrett, NICU
- Jordan Crook, NSSU
- Kaily Eurton, NICU
- Ashlyn Hays, NICU
- Cale Land, NICU
- Morgan “Paige” Morris, M8
- Hannah Russell, NICU
Perioperative Services
- Regina Jenkins, OR
- Aletha Steadman, OR
- Amber Valenta, OR
Psychiatry Services
- Michael Mullins, C7S
Surgical & Transplant Services
- Nicholas “Chase” Stocks, TBICU
- Emily Wright, ATCU
Women & Infants Services
- Kate Brown, RNICU
- McKenzie Cramer, RNICU
- Natalie Hernandez, GYNX
- Cassie Hicks, CCN
- Kaitlin King, CCN
- Destiny Rabb, CCN
- Niya Scott, CCN
- Hannah Sears, CCN
- Anna Self, RNICU
- R’reyelle “Jessica” Taylor, L&D
- Sara Underwood, RNICU
- Brianna Washington, MBU
- Anna Wilkes, GYNX
Perfect attendance
- Crestin Abawi, Neurology, NSSU
- Matthew Blankensopp, Cardiovascular Services, CICU
- Josephine “Josie” Bresler, Neurology, NICU
- Ellie Busch, Cardiovascular Services, HTICU
- Keely Catrett, Neurology, NICU
- Jordan Crook, Neurology, NSSU
- Kaily Eurton, Neurology, NICU
- Anna Harris, Emergency Services, UED
- Regina Jenkins, Perioperative Services, OR
- Jay Luther, Cardiovascular Services, CICU
- Sarah Morris, Cardiovascular Services, HTICU
- Michael Mullins, Psychiatry Services, C7S
- Jennifer Thomas, Cardiovascular Services, HTICU
- Brianna Washington, Women & Infants Services, MBU